Dubito si possa trattare di un gioco dedicato a Gatsu e compagni, nonostante ciò si prospetta una interessantissima collaborazione. Speriamo solo non facciano uscire altri giochi di Idolmaster così non si dovrà aspettare le calende greche per avere qualche informazione in più (e magari qualche volumetto di Berserk in più XD ). Incrocio le dita!
"This is going to be short and sweet. I want to apologize to everyone who has been a part of this mess. Yes I did visit FromSoftware, and Hakusensha and spoke with the editor of Berserk. I have received an email and realize that I had made a huge mistake in my translation from Japanese to English. I earlier shared information that Miura and Miyazaki were collaborating on a project together. However during the translation, I had misunderstood and they are not collaborating, but merely enjoy each others work. I felt it was my responsibility to correct the situation before it got out of hand. I truly am sorry to everyone about this. I only had to intent in sharing my experience and what I thought was said, but it was mistranslated and do not want to spread any rumors. I will be going on a hiatus during Christmas break to spend time with my family, and I appreciate that someone took the time out to let me know that I misunderstood. My sincerest apologizes to both Hidetaka Miyazaki and the FromSoftware company, as well as Kentaro Miura, and Taniguchi-San, for accidentally spreading false information. Truth is most important and that is why I wanted to correct the situation. This was not an attempt to spread rumors or gain attention I was just sharing enthusiasm, sorry that I got it wrong.. Sad that they are not working together though!"
Però devo ammettere che il tutto è stato molto spassoso
Speriamo solo non facciano uscire altri giochi di Idolmaster così non si dovrà aspettare le calende greche per avere qualche informazione in più (e magari qualche volumetto di Berserk in più XD ).
Incrocio le dita!